We have made a new game called FlappyBat. At the beginning it will start on a Flappybird page. Its a bug we have, becasue its a demo... To start the game click run and put your mouse on the game and start clicking. In this game you are a bat. You will be trying to fly away from a dragon. There are many arches you will be trying to dodge them. Your mission is to not hit any arches and try to escape the cave. I hope you escape.Play Good luck and Play FlappyBat, now on our website for free! Click here to play!
Back long ago lived a bat named Flappy. Flappy was a happy little bat who lived in a cave. Once all the bats flew away and Flappy was the last bat in the cave, snoozing away, while hanging on the top of an arch. Flappy woke up to a huge roar and felt that the cave was hotter than usual. He realized that all the other bats were gon and that there was a dragon right infront of him... Help Flappy escape on his amazing adventuer through the arches in the cave.